CountySuite Warrant Portal

Name Age Last Known Address Offense Classification Date Issued
1TO1 TRANSPORT LLC N/A Doylestown, OH 44230 [754107B.1] Out Of Service Criteria 11/25/2024
1TO1 TRANSPORT LLC N/A Doylestown, OH 44230 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 11/25/2024
1TO1 TRANSPORT LLC N/A Doylestown, OH 44230 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 11/25/2024
1TO1 TRANSPORT LLC N/A Doylestown, OH 44230 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 11/25/2024
1TO1 TRANSPORT LLC N/A Doylestown, OH 44230 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 11/25/2024
A FOLINO CONSTRUCTION INC N/A Oakmont, PA 15139 [751301A] Dr Unregist Veh 10/3/2024
A FOLINO CONSTRUCTION INC N/A Oakmont, PA 15139 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 10/3/2024
A FOLINO CONSTRUCTION INC N/A Oakmont, PA 15139 [754107B2.1] Unlaw. Act. - Operate W/ Hazardous Brake System 10/3/2024
Abbott, Corey R. 51 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 [182701A1] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 11/4/2016
Abbott, Dennis Dale N/A Butler, PA 16001 [LO763] Parking Violation 11/26/2024
Abbott, Dennis Dale 36 Butler, PA 16001 [751371A] Veh Reg Suspended 1/31/2025
Abib, Abdirizak Mohamed 42 Minneapolis, MN 55408 [753802D1II] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 2 or 3 - 1st Offense 10/5/2022
Abraham, Edward Kamel 44 New Castle, PA 16101 [183502A] Burglary Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 2/4/2015
Acevedo-Carrasquillo, Ramon Enrique 38 Silver Springs, FL 34488 [183701A1V] Criminal Conspiracy Engaging - Robbery-Take Property Fr Other/Force Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 2/7/2024
Adams, John Joseph 41 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 8/21/2024
Adams, Kyle Dayvon 29 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/9/2025
Adams, William Cody 33 Crowley, TX 76036 [7571223] Poss/Sale/Use Display Documents Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 9/4/2015
Aderholt, Jerry Lee 53 Pittsburgh, PA 15211 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 8/17/2012
Aggers, Edward Martin 62 Erie, PA 16503 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/3/2024
Alampi, Joseph Ferdinand 25 Mars, PA 16046 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off Bench Warrant - Juvenile Failure to Appear 6/7/2022
Alamri, Omar Abdulsamad 29 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 [751371A] Veh Reg Suspended 7/31/2024
Alamri, Omar Abdulsamad 29 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 [751501B] Person In Towed Vehicle 7/31/2024
Albright, Craig Owen 54 Mason, MI 48854 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Juvenile Failure to Appear 12/23/2021
Alexander, William D. 55 East Butler, PA 16029 [753735.1A] Aggravated Assault By Vehicle While Dui Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 11/5/2024
Alexandru, Monalisa 25 Baltimore, MD 21213 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 6/7/2024
Alghawi, Yousef M. 33 Pittsburgh, PA 15210 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 10/9/2024
ALi, Khurram Syea 47 Mars, PA 16046 [LO27602-5] Zoning Violation 1/28/2025
Alinskas, Michael Paul 47 West Sunbury, PA 16061 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 12/4/2024
Alinskas, Michael Paul 47 West Sunbury, PA 16061 [182709A1] Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 12/4/2024
Allen, Robert Ernest 33 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 [753802D3] DUI: Controlled Substance - Combination Alcohol/Drugs - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/29/2025
Allen, Tyler David N/A Butler, PA 16001 [LO824] Meter Violation 2/11/2025
Allshouse, Donald Eugene 50 Butler, PA 16001 CONTEMPT OF COURT Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 10/12/2023
Allshouse, Donald Eugene 50 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 10/5/2023
Altmyer, Paul Ryan 38 Pittsburgh, PA 15202 [184105A1] Bad Checks Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear 9/11/2024
Altstadt, Joshua Michael 39 Boyers, PA 16018 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 10/23/2024
Alvarez, Raul A. 44 Tampa, FL 33612 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 10/9/2024
Amirov, Egamberdi T. 56 Youngstown, OH 44512 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 7/22/2021
Amoruso, Joseph D. 25 Fort Wayne, IN 46804 [753802D1III] DUI: Controlled Substance - Metabolite - 1st Offense 2/7/2023
Amrhein, Daniel Stephen 34 Harmony, PA 16037 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 12/2/2020
Amsler, Cameron Edward 24 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 3/8/2024
Amsler, Cameron Edward 24 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/12/2025
Anaya, Richard 42 Newark, NY 14153 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear 7/25/2022
Anderson, Andy Michael 32 East Butler, PA 16029 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 12/5/2022
Anderson, Andy Michael 32 East Butler, PA 16029 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 12/12/2022
Anderson, Anthoney 23 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/8/2025
Anderson, Anthoney 23 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/8/2025
Anderson, Anthoney 23 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/8/2025
Anderson, Anthoney 23 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [183925A] Conspiracy - Receiving Stolen Property 1/8/2025
Anderson, Corinne 62 Butler, PA 16001 [LO1044] Dogs Running At Large 1/8/2025
Anderson, Corinne AKA Kuczynski 62 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 11/15/2024
Anderson, David Evan 58 New Kensington, PA 15068 [751543B1III] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1-3rd or Subs. Violation Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 5/31/2024
Anderson, David Evan 58 New Kensington, PA 15068 [751543B1III] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1-3rd or Subs. Violation Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 5/1/2024
Anderson, Sanya Kamara 38 Madison, WI 53711 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 7/22/2021
Anderson, Sanya Kamara 38 Madison, WI 53711 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 7/22/2021
Andre, Douglas Gregory 32 Butler, PA 16001 [7533091] Disregard Traffic Lane (Single) Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 8/5/2021
Andrews, Kody Kabion 23 Detroit, MI 48224 [184106A2] Conspiracy - Publ, Make, See, Etc Access Device Altered, Etc Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 6/3/2021
Anglin, Tammy Christine 44 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 11/21/2024
Anidi, Michael Anthony 36 Alliance, OH 44601 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 9/12/2024
Anthony, Joshua Franklin 36 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/23/2023
Anthony, Joshua Franklin 36 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 9/22/2023
Appleton, Steven M. 44 Columbia, MO 65201 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Armour, Jason Lee 45 Sarver, PA 16055 [753714A] Careless Driving 2/6/2025
Arnett, Tamika 50 Pittsburgh, PA 15227 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 7/22/2021
Arnold, Austin David 24 New Castle, PA 16105 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 1/15/2025
Arroyo, Jonathan 31 Philadelphia, PA 19133 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 10/27/2023
Askey, Margaretta Violet 40 Abilene, TX 79606 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 9/8/2021
Askin, Keith Lanoris 32 St. Cloud, MN 56301 [753742A] Accidents Involving Death Or Personal Injury Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 8/14/2024
Astudillo, Sebastian M. 24 Staton Island, NY 10307 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/29/2024
Atchison, Terry L. 47 Kersey, PA 15846 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 2/7/2018
Atkinson, Nicole Lynn 33 Butler, PA 16001 [751501A] Driving W/O A License 1/7/2025
Augustine, Daniel William 50 Penn Hills, PA 15147 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/15/2023
Auxier, John Phillip 37 Valencia, PA 16059 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/7/2023
Ayersman, Michael Paul 40 New Castle, PA 16101 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 7/17/2024
Babyak, Jonathon D. 48 Whitney, PA 15693 [754730A2] Display Known Fict/Stolen/Issued For Insp Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/7/2023
Bachra, Kulwinder Kaur 50 [183929A1] Retail Theft - Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 10/17/2014
Backus, Brandon Michael 41 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Bench Warrant - Fail to Make Payment 8/3/2016
Baker, Charles Jay 37 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 9/27/2024
Baker, Laura Ann 50 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 11/12/2008
Baldwin-Youngblood, Amon J. 27 Braddock, PA 15104 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/5/2022
Ball-Ybarra, Andrea Leigh 50 WACO, TX 76708 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 11/20/2017
Barber, Rachel N. 42 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/12/2025
Barge, Samantha Ranee 35 Sharpsville, PA 16150 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear 8/5/2019
Barger, Danny Rea 49 New Castle, PA 16101 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 4/5/2023
Barger, Justin Paul 40 Parker, PA 16049 [751543B1III] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1-3rd or Subs. Violation 1/14/2025
Barlow, John Roy 61 Grove City, PA 16127 [185121A] Escape Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 9/26/2023
Barlow, John Roy 61 Grove City, PA 16127 [753802D1II] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 2 or 3 - 2nd Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 9/26/2023
Barnes, James Edward 62 Salem, OH 44460-3335 [753731A1] Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 2/7/2024
Barnes, Steven E. 37 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 2/4/2015
Barnette, Dennis M. 77 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A2] DUI: Gen Imp (BAC .08 - .10) 1st Off 10/21/2020
Barr, Steven Edward 39 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear 11/2/2023
Barrera Carbajal, Brittaney Erin 37 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/10/2014
Barrera-Carbajel, Brittaney Erin 37 Butler, PA 16001 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/14/2014
Barrett, Sean Patrick 39 West Sunbury, PA 16061 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 2/6/2025
Barriga, Ricardo Flores 44 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 11/1/2005
Bartmas, Preston Ryan 41 Butler, PA 16002 [183502A] Burglary Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 12/4/2024
Bassett, Charles Laverne 63 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 9/4/2024
Bastian, Michael Christopher 27 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 12/19/2024
Bastian, Michael Christopher 27 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Parole Violation 12/3/2024
Bastian, Stacy L. 52 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 8/15/2024
Bautista, Javier 44 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 4th Off & Sub Off Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear 2/29/2016
Bazemore, Kaiir Jabril 31 Butler, PA 16002 [186116] Give False Id To Purchase Firearm 2/28/2024
Bean, Alissa Sue 39 Evans City, PA 16033 [751301A] Dr Unregist Veh 2/7/2025
Beasley, Danita Latrice 37 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [183503A1I] Crim Tres-Enter Structure Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 3/20/2024
Beavers, William Vincent 33 Detroit, MI 48224 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 10/6/2021
Beitler, Robert Scott 44 Mars, PA 16046 [185505] Public Drunkenness And Similar Misconduct 1/28/2025
Belan, Joseph Bernard 49 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 [183929A2] Retail Theft-Alter Label/Price Marking Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 7/2/2024
Belch, Christopher 47 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 [184101A3] Forgery - Utters Forged Writing Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 4/5/2021
Bell, Alfred D. 74 Lebanon, PA 17042 [751543B1] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 5/5/2021
Bell, Samara Anne 20 Turtle Creek, PA 15145 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 3/21/2023
Bellamy, Ronnie Prest 37 Butler, PA 16001 [751371A] Veh Reg Suspended 2/3/2025
Bellamy, Ronnie Prest 37 Butler, PA 16001 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 2/3/2025
Bender, Bradley James 24 Butler, PA 16001 [182709A1] Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact 1/17/2025
Benjamin, Richard Robert 62 PGH, PA 15213 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 9/21/2021
Benko, John Ryan 44 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/11/2025
Benko, Nathan Leroy 39 Vienna, VA 22182 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/17/2015
Bennett, Chad Thomas 40 Worthington, PA 16262 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 1/7/2025
Benson, Jeffrey R. 57 Cranberry, PA 16066 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 11/25/2024
Benzo, Kenneth Charles 39 East Mckeesport, PA 15035 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Berry, Richard R. 62 Butlr, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/7/2025
Bervinkle, Angie M. 46 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 11/4/2016
Besspiata, Joseph Matthew 46 Verona, PA 15147 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 10/9/2024
Best, Jacob Foster 27 New Kensington, PA 15068 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 10/4/2023
Bevington, Charles W. 51 Butler, PA 16001 [184105A1] Bad Checks Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 7/10/2013
Bey-Clark, Ayla 36 Pittsburgh, PA 15210 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 12/28/2023
Bianco, Phillip Joseph 67 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 9/5/2019
Bianco, Phillip Joseph 67 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [751786F] Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp 9/5/2019
Bielewicz, Scott Robert 40 St. Clairsville, OH 43950 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 5/10/2016
Biondo, Elizabeth Ann 38 Prospect, PA 16052 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/13/2025
Biondo, Elizabeth Ann 38 Prospect, PA 16052 [182701A1] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/29/2025
Birchard, Mandy Marie 43 Oil City, PA 16301 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/13/2024
Birden, Latasha Janeen 35 Steubenville, OH 43952 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Bisceglia, George Joseph 42 Greenville, PA 16125 5015 - Domestic Relations 5/23/2024
Bish, Joshua Michael 47 Cranberry, PA 16066 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 3/6/2024
Black, Sakorea Tiocha 25 Greenville, SC 29609 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 10/3/2024
Blakey, Lawrence E. 36 Zelienople, PA 16063 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations 8/29/2024
Blanchard, Amanda 43 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault 2/8/2023
Blanton, Brandi R. 45 Toronto, OH 43964 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 6/25/2024
Bloom, Heather Lynn 42 Carnegie, PA 15106 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/8/2024
Blumling, Fred Randy 50 Parker, PA 16049 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 10/9/2024
Blunt, Edmond Travon 44 Philadelphia, PA 19121 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 5/7/2010
Blystone, Dalton Allen 19 Butler, PA 16001 [185505] Public Drunkenness And Similar Misconduct 2/10/2025
Bodish, Jerry B. 45 Portersville, PA 16051 [753742A] Accidents Involving Death Or Personal Injury 4/26/2023
Boehm, Joshua David 26 Butler, PA 16002 [753743A] Accident Involv Damage Attended Vehicle/Prop 9/20/2023
Bogachuk, Oleksandr 36 Cleveland, OH 44130 [184105A1] Bad Checks 7/22/2021
Bogan, Jerri Ann 66 Lackawana, NY 14218 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 5/4/2017
Bolte, Scott Matthew 53 Butler, PA 16001 [182702A4] Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes BI with deadly weapon 7/12/2021
Boltz, Spencer R. 37 Manorville, PA 16238 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 6/3/2024
Bonini, Stephanie Marie 33 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A4] Retail Theft-Under-Ring 8/25/2023
Bonner, Claude 64 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 12/5/2023
Bonner, Michael and Taylor N/A Evans City, PA 16033 [LO4111] Buildings and Permits - Violations and Penalties 1/31/2025
Boofer, Elizabeth V. N/A Butler, PA 16001 [LO308.1] Accumulation/Rubbish/Garbage 2/13/2025
Boone, Charles R 54 Canton, OH 44709 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 6/12/2024
Boone, William Francis 39 Phoenixville, PA 19460 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 5/5/2021
Borland, Colin James 23 Lyndora, PA 16045 [182701A1] Simple Assault 9/13/2024
Borland, Colin James 23 Lyndora, PA 16045 [182706A1] Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another 12/11/2024
Borland, Colin James 23 Lyndora, PA 16045 [182709A1] Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact 1/31/2025
Bowers, Amber Nichole 33 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/4/2024
Bowers, Robert Lee 74 Braddock, PA 15104 [186301A] Corruption Of Minors 6/12/2024
Bowser, Damian S. 46 Lyndora, PA 16045 [3455.8A2] Vaccination against Rabies Required - Proof of Vaccination 10/26/2023
Bowser, Jolena Elizabeth 46 Bruin, PA 16022 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 6/5/2024
Bowser, Jolena Elizabeth 46 Bruin, PA 16022 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 5/3/2024
Bowser, Richard Allan 24 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault 3/1/2024
Bowser, Richard Allan 24 Butler, PA 16001 [183503B1II] Def Tres Posted 3/1/2024
Bowser, Robby A. 61 Tyrone, PA 16686 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 7/31/2018
Bowser, Robby A. 61 Tyrone, PA 16686 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off 6/25/2018
Boyer, Brandon D. 33 Dover, OH 44622 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 8/9/2021
Boyles, Randall Brooks 34 Pittsburgh, PA 15233 [182706A1] Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another 1/12/2017
Braden, Perry Edward 64 Sun City, FL 33573 [753731A1] Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol 3/8/2018
Braden, Scott William 42 Springdale, PA 15144 [184101A1] Forgery - Alter Writing 11/5/2024
Bradley, Gerald Wayne 53 Pittsburgh, PA 15226 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 2/9/2007
Bragdon, John Charles 59 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952 [182706A1] Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another 5/15/2013
Bragg, Jeffery M. 47 Dayton, OH 45406 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 9/24/2024
Brahler, Sherry Lynn 53 Pittsburgh, PA 15214 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense 8/2/2022
Brain, Ronald Michael 39 New Castle, PA 16101 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 11/2/2022
Brain, Ronald Michael 39 New Castle, PA 16101 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 11/2/2022
Braisteanu, Ioan 41 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 10/3/2024
Brandon, Mandy Sue 46 Monaca, PA 15061 [753742.1A] Acc Involving Death/Person Injury-Not Properly Licensed 7/7/2021
Brandt, Melanie 48 Freedom, PA 15042 [186501A2] Interfere W/Contents Of Trash Receptacle 1/28/2025
Bratini Rivera, Dineris 35 New Castle, PA 16101 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant 2/4/2025
Bratini Rivera, Dineris 35 New Castle, PA 16101 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/4/2025
Bratini-Rivera, Dineris 35 New Castle, PA 16101 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/13/2025
Braxton, Joshua Kevin 30 Pittsburgh, PA 15202 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Brazill, Mary A. 65 Butler, PA 16001 [751543B1] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 4/7/2009
Bridges JR, John William 43 Downsville, LA 71234 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off 9/10/2024
Bristol, Amber Micole 38 Monroeville, PA 15146 [751501A] Driving W/O A License 11/14/2024
Brito, Nicolas Cobo 32 Atlanta, GA 30345 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 10/4/2017
Britt, Candice Elizabeth 45 Warrendale, PA 15086 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 10/3/2024
Brocious, Robert Matthew 41 PGH, PA 15216 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/7/2022
Brocious, Robert Matthew 41 PGH, PA 15216 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/7/2022
Brocious, Robert Matthew 41 PGH, PA 15216 [183502A] Burglary 9/7/2022
Brocious, Robert Matthew 41 PGH, PA 15216 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 9/7/2022
Brooks aka Lindy, Farrah Lynn 47 Parker, PA 16049 [183502A] Burglary 10/6/2021
Brooks, Dyshuna 36 Chicago, IL 60620 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 7/3/2019
Brooks, Jeffrey Wayne 46 Pittsburgh, PA 15227 [183304A2] Crim'l Misch-Tamper W/Property 4/4/2023
Broom Lane, Jamiya Rose 21 Blacklick, OH 43004-8077 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 12/16/2024
Brown, Bryan John 43 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 11/30/2022
Brown, Bryan John 43 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 1/26/2023
Brown, Bryan John 43 Butler, PA 16001 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 12/6/2022
Brown, Bryan John 43 Butler, PA 16001 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 1/26/2023
Brown, Derohn E. 38 New Brighton, PA 15066 [182701A1] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/16/2024
Brown, Isaiah Mark 20 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/21/2024
Brown, Jennifer Ann 49 Ben Avon, PA 15202 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Brown, John Wayne 58 New Castle, PA 16101 [184105A1] Bad Checks 10/4/2018
Brown, Justin M. 36 Canton, OH 44708 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/4/2025
Brown, Kristoffer David 52 Chicora, PA 16025 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 10/24/2014
Brown, Kristoffer David 52 Chicora, PA 16025 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 10/24/2014
Brown, Nafis Aquil Murad 31 Philadelphia, PA 19143 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 6/2/2021
Brown, Nafis Aquil Murad 31 Philadelphia, PA 19143 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 6/2/2021
Brown, Nafis Aquil Murad 31 Philadelphia, PA 19143 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 6/2/2021
Brown, Torrie Kantrelle 32 California, PA 15419 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 5/4/2022
Brown-Stewart, Aaran Jordan 25 Youngstown, OH 44505 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/7/2025
Broyan, Jeremy J. 45 Berwick, PA 18603 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 9/29/2020
Brumfield, Brittany C. 36 Fayette City, PA 15438 [751371A] Veh Reg Suspended 1/14/2025
Brumfield, Gilbert 28 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 10/2/2019
Bryant, Antonio Lashawn 29 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A4] Retail Theft-Under-Ring 8/23/2024
Bryner, Bruce A. 41 Butler, PA 16001 [302703A] Fishing Without License 1/22/2025
Bryner, Bruce A. 41 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 1/14/2025
Buckham, Rebecca Louise 37 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense 10/23/2023
Budmark, Patience Ann 24 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/16/2024
Budner, Michael W. 34 Butler, PA 16000 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/5/2025
Bulluck, Phillip Michael 38 Rochester, NY 14614 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 3/31/2009
Bunnell, Devon Austin 28 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/6/2021
Burd, Harold Dale 56 Butler, PA 16001 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off 10/21/2024
Burdak, Pavel Leonidovic 32 Erie, PA 16507 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 5/24/2024
Burek, George Robert 57 New Haven, CT 06511 [184101A2] Conspiracy - Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing 2/3/2025
Burka aka Berquist, Jessica Marie 39 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 10/10/2024
Burka aka Berquist, Jessica Marie 39 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/10/2024
Burke, Jennifer Anne 52 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule I - 2nd Offense 2/7/2024
Burks, Kelvin J. 35 Youngstown, OH 44515 [184105A1] Bad Checks 8/8/2019
Burns, Adam John 45 McDonald, PA 15057 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/22/2023
Burns, Adam John 45 McDonald, PA 15057 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/22/2023
Burns, Rillis Celeste 38 Sharon, PA 16146 [754703E] Display Unauth Cert Of Inspect 2/8/2023
Burns, Ronald Ross 28 Butler, PA 16001 [183928A] Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles 5/8/2024
Burnside, Noah Storm 27 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/7/2025
Bush, Bernard 41 Detroit, MI 48213 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 7/6/2020
Bush, Bernard 41 Detroit, MI 48213 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 7/6/2020
Bush, Traci Renee 49 Butler, PA 16001 [183503A1I] Crim Tres-Enter Structure Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/29/2025
Butler, Joshua Adam 36 Erie, PA 16502 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 5/8/2024
Byers, Dawn Marie 38 Butler, PA 16001-5876 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 8/21/2024
Byers, Dawn Marie 38 Butler, PA 16001-5876 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 8/21/2024
Byers, Dawn Marie 38 Butler, PA 16001-5876 [751543B1I] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 12/4/2024
Byers, Dawn Marie 38 Butler, PA 16001-5876 5015 - Domestic Relations 9/18/2024
Byrge, Jason Robert 40 Versailles, KY 40383 [754902A] Viol Size/Weight Limits 11/9/2017
Caccamo, Vincent James 63 Butler, PA 16001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 6/30/2023
Cadiente, Kevyne Louis 21 Butler, PA 16001 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 8/19/2024
Cadiente, Kevyne Louis 21 Butler, PA 16001 [183304A5] Criminal Mischief - Damage Property 7/10/2023
Cahall, Benjamin Lee 42 Butler, PA 16001 [183701A1V] Robbery-Take Property Fr Other/Force 10/3/2017
Cahall, Benjamin Lee 42 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 7/3/2017
Cairns, Zachary Tyler 37 Brackenridge, PA 15014 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 10/29/2024
Caldwell, Alexis Shenae 29 Pine Ridge, KY 41360 [753362A2-26] Exceed 55 MPH In Other Loc By 26 MPH 12/28/2016
Caldwell, Alexis Shenae 29 Pine Ridge, KY 41360 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 12/28/2016
Caldwell, Daniel C. 35 Callery, PA 16024 [183929A4] Retail Theft - Under ring 7/2/2024
Caldwell, David Leo 49 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 11/7/2023
Caldwell, Thomas Edward 70 Mars, PA 16046 [182701A1] Simple Assault 8/1/2012
Caldwell, Willie Eugene 60 Clymer, PA 15728 [184101A3] Forgery - Utters Forged Writing Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 1/3/2025
Calin, Ionut 36 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Call, Stephen Thomas 27 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 2/10/2025
Callahan, Andrew Lockard 52 Franklin, PA 16323 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 10/6/2021
Callender III, Edwin Art 33 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/11/2024
Callender III, Edwin Art 33 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/24/2024
Callender III, Edwin Art 33 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/24/2024
Calvert, Amy N. 44 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 1/8/2025
Calvert, Amy N. 44 Butler, PA 16001 [18911B3] Corrupt Organizations - Employee 12/20/2024
Cameron, Christopher Mic 44 Grove City, PA 16127 [751786F] Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp 12/11/2024
Camp, Donald Allen 34 Solgohachia, AR 72156 [182701A1] Simple Assault 4/3/2019
Camp, Whitney Taylor 37 Butler, PA 16002 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 9/18/2023
Campano, Theresa M. 39 Butler, PA 16001 [183928A] Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles 1/14/2025
Campbell, Thomas Edward 51 New Kensington, PA 15065 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 10/8/2009
Canavan, Zachary Michael 33 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 3/27/2024
Canavan, Zachary Michael 33 Butler, PA 16001 [182702A3] Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes BI to designated individuals 7/2/2024
Cano Vargas, Hector Ramon 34 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 3/24/2023
Cantera Malagon, Marco Antonio 26 Pittsburgh, PA 15210 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 3rd Off 4/1/2024
Cantera Malagon, Marco Antonio 26 Pittsburgh, PA 15210 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 4/1/2024
Cantwell, Crystal Lynn 42 Charleston, SC 29412 [753802A2] DUI: Gen Imp (BAC .08 - .10) 1st Off 10/22/2012
Cao, Al Yu 54 Pittsburgh, PA 15237 [182702A4] Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes BI with deadly weapon 3/6/2008
Cardenas, Juan Antonio 31 Butler, PA 16001 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 2/8/2023
Cardenas, Juan Antonio 31 Butler, PA 16001 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 8/9/2022
Carlson, Angela C. 32 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 12/4/2024
Carlson, Angela C. 32 Butler, PA 16001 [185104] Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/5/2025
Carlson, Judy Lynn 61 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753112A3I] Failure To Stop At Red Signal 1/23/2025
Carothers, Neal Anthony 52 Butler, PA 16001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd 9/17/2012
Carpenter, Darena Vanelle 34 Clairton, PA 15025 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/5/2025
Carpenter, Floyd Bertell 41 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 2/4/2025
Carr, Rodrigus 42 Roseboro, NC 28382 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 10/6/2021
Carrick, Andrea D. 41 New Castle, PA 15105 [753714A] Careless Driving 10/23/2024
Carrick, Andrea D. 41 New Castle, PA 15105 [7533091] Disregard Traffic Lane (Single) 10/23/2024
Carrick, Andrea D. 41 New Castle, PA 15105 [756110A] Viol Rules Pa Turnpike Comm 10/23/2024
Carrick, Andrea D. 41 New Castle, PA 15105 [751501A] Driving W/O A License 10/23/2024
Carson, Carla Renee 59 Cleveland, OH 44178 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Carson, Carla Renee 59 Cleveland, OH 44178 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Cash, Alexander 44 Buffalo, NY 14211 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use 12/4/2024
Castellanos, Quynten Savoy 28 Altoona, PA 16601 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 3/1/2022
Castro, Senovio Garcia 32 Harmony, PA 16037 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 10/28/2019
Castro-Valentin, Jose Ramon 30 Rochester, PA 15074 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/28/2025
Chadman, Michael 62 Mars, PA 16046 [753731A1] Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol 9/7/2022
Chambers, Aquia Deyasia 27 Cleveland, OH 44178 [753742A] Accidents Involving Death Or Personal Injury 7/19/2021
Chambers, Mackenzie Aaro 33 Chambersburg, PA 17201 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 1/8/2025
Chambers, Tonia L. 47 Sandy Lake, PA 16145 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 1/28/2025
Chamblin, Andre Louis 44 New Castle, PA 16101 [753362A2-15] Exceed 55 MPH In Other Loc By 15 MPH 2/4/2025
Charles, Ronald J. 57 Butler, PA 16001 [3459-601C1] Abandon Any Dog Within Commonwealth 1/31/2025
Charlton, Jase William 28 Butler, PA 16001 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 1/28/2025
Cherry, Kevin Tracy 41 Akron, OH 44312 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/4/2024
Chin, Ervin Levi 45 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/4/2025
Chisolm, John R. 36 Trenton, NJ 08609 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 2/4/2015
Christy, Isaiah Walker 24 Butler, PA 16001 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 7/18/2022
Christy, Isaiah Walker 24 Butler, PA 16001 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 7/25/2022
Christy, Isaiah Walker 24 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 2/9/2023
Chrzanowski, Emily Joann 28 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 8/23/2024
Cicolini, Anthony 54 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 11/18/2022
Cimador, Leo S. N/A Irving, TX 75063 [LO212-1] Reports of Lessees and Occupants Required 8/30/2024
Cipolla, Angela Marie 26 Erie, PA 16509 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense 9/14/2021
Cisse, El Hadje 21 Bronx, NY 10459 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 5/28/2024
Clark, Alex Michael 31 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 11/12/2019
Clark, Edward Earl 32 Butler, PA 16001 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/11/2025
Clark, Keeyonna Rayshonna 30 Chicago, IL 60653 [35780-113A12] Criminal Attempt - Acq Or Obt Poss Of Contr Subs Misre 2/7/2024
Clark, Richard Allen 61 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 8/27/2018
Clay, Dana R. 30 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 10/4/2018
Clifton, Robert L 50 East Pittsburgh, PA 15112 [754902A] Viol Size/Weight Limits 2/5/2025
Cline, Steven Dennis-William 44 Frewsburg, NY 14738 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off 10/16/2017
Clutter, Tammy Lynn 50 Butler, PA 16001 [753712B] Abandoning Veh on Pub/Private Prop 2/9/2023
Clutter, Tammy Lynn 50 Butler, PA 16001 [751301A] Dr Unregist Veh 2/9/2023
Coaston, Taijuan Marquis 24 Butler, PA 16001 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off 2/6/2024
Coates, Lisa Marie 60 Butler, PA 16001 [183922A1] Criminal Conspiracy Engaging - Theft By Decep-False Impression 2/9/2023
Coates, Lisa Marie 60 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/9/2023
Coats, Leandre 24 Cleveland, OH 44105 [183503B1V] Def Tres Actual Communication to Leave School 7/5/2022
Cobbs, Antoin 57 Philadelphia, PA 19120 [184101A3] Forgery - Utters Forged Writing 5/7/2010
Cobbs, Antoin 57 Philadelphia, PA 19120 [184120A] Identity Theft 11/15/2010
Coburn, Austin Robert 27 Evans City, PA 16033 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 5/3/2024
Coburn, Joseph Alan 42 Rochester, PA 15074 [184906A] False Report - Falsely Incriminate Another 1/9/2019
Coburn, Melvin 57 Braddock, PA 15104 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 2/9/2023
Cochran, Jeffrey P. 51 Benwood, WV 26031 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing 10/7/2021
Cogswell, Candice Rae 46 New Castle, PA 16101 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 12/6/2012
Cojucaru, Raul-Mihai 42 [184106A1] Access Device Used To Obt Or Att Obt Prop/Service 5/26/2023
Colbert, Renee N/A Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [LO824] Meter Violation 2/4/2025
Colceag, Constatin 44 [184106A1] Access Device Used To Obt Or Att Obt Prop/Service 5/15/2023
Colcombe, Carl Ross 52 Sarver, PA 16055 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/2/2019
Cole, Brian T 41 Philadelphia, PA 19132 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 7/22/2021
Colich, Justin Dale 41 New Castle, PA 16101 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense 1/5/2024
Colon, Christopher 35 New Castle, PA 16101 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/14/2025
Colquitt, Akeem Alajauwon 36 Springfield, OH 45504 [183503A1I] Crim Tres-Enter Structure 3/6/2024
Combs, Daniel Vincent 32 Indiana, PA 15701 [751543B1I] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 6/29/2022
Condron, Madalyn Ashley 38 Butler, PA 16002 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 2/7/2023
Confer, James Harold 34 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off 12/2/2024
Conkright, James Aubrey 43 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 9/20/2024
Conkright, James Aubrey 43 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D1III] DUI: Controlled Substance - Metabolite - 1st Offense 8/28/2024
Conley, Victoria Lyn 27 Butler, PA 16001 [183502A4] Burglary - Not Adapted for Overnight Accommodation, No Person Present 12/10/2024
Conley, Victoria Lyn 27 Butler, PA 16001 [183502A4] Burglary - Not Adapted for Overnight Accommodation, No Person Present 12/10/2024
Conley, Victoria Lyn 27 Butler, PA 16001 [183502A4] Burglary - Not Adapted for Overnight Accommodation, No Person Present 12/10/2024
Conley, Victoria Lyn 27 Butler, PA 16001 [183502A4] Burglary - Not Adapted for Overnight Accommodation, No Person Present 12/10/2024
Connell, Dewey Larry 38 Butler, PA 16001 [183304A5] Criminal Mischief - Damage Property 8/17/2022
Conner, Bryan Lee 37 Mineral Ridge, OH 44440-9601 [183307A3] Institut'l Vand'ism Educ Facil 10/6/2017
Conner, Bryan Lee 37 Mineral Ridge, OH 44440-9601 [182701A3] Simple Assault 10/6/2017
Conner, Edgar Gene 42 Butler, PA 16001 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 2/12/2025
CONROY JR, PATRICK RUSSELL 40 GALVESTON, TX 77573 Simple Assault 10/7/2003
Conroy, Terrence Joseph 59 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [751301A] Dr Unregist Veh 1/28/2025
Cook, Zachary Lee 32 Hilliards, PA 16040 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 2/10/2025
Cooper, Demario Alonzo 33 Detroit, MI 48228 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 7/25/2023
Cooper, Powell A. 75 Apollo, PA 15613 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 12/7/2022
Cooper, Powell A. 75 Apollo, PA 15613 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 12/7/2022
Corbett, Brent David 52 East Brady, PA 16028 [751501A] Driving W/O A License 8/8/2024
Cordes, Gregory D. 63 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 12/9/2014
Correll, Martin 36 Avalon, PA 15202 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 10/15/2024
Cospy, Devaun Christopher 24 Indianapolis, IN 46241 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 3/10/2022
Cote, Robert Mitchell 40 Erie, PA 16506 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Cote, Robert Mitchell 40 Erie, PA 16506 [183503A1I] Conspiracy - Crim Tres-Enter Structure Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Covell, Jordan Michael 27 Meadville, PA 16335 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use 5/4/2022
Cozad, Anthony Joshua 35 Zelienople, PA 16063 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 7/23/2015
Craciun, Brian Philip 50 Youngstown, OH 44509 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/17/2025
Craig, Christopher Todd 55 Rixford, PA 16745 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 2/4/2015
Crame, Sonny Ray 48 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/22/2024
Cramer, Greta Jane 40 Greensburg, PA 15601 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 2/5/2025
Cramer, Greta Jane 40 Greensburg, PA 15601 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 2/5/2025
Craul Sr, Barry Edward 60 Butler, PA 16001 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off 9/5/2019
Craven, Julie Garner 48 Greensboro, NC 27406 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 4/14/2008
Cravener, Samuel David 23 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 2/9/2024
Crawford, Delbert Quinn 39 Austin, TX 78754 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 4/5/2023
Crawford, Dennis J. 52 Petrolia, PA 16050 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 6/17/2024
Crawford, Peter J. 44 Lyndora, PA 16045 [753731A1] Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol 10/10/2024
Criner, James Denver 44 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense 10/16/2024
Criollo Rivas, Juan Manuel 29 n/a, PA [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Crispen, Jacob Paul 21 East Brady, PA 16028 [753324] Not Yield At Rdwy 8/14/2024
Crispin, Gerald William 55 Butler, PA 16001 [751543B1] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 12/3/2015
Crosby, Brandon Michael 33 McKees Rocks, PA 15136 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 3/9/2023
Crouse, Joseph Franklyn 20 Butler, PA 16001 [183304A4] Criminal Mischief 2/10/2025
Crumrine, Tyler 33 New Salem, PA 15468 [183922A1] Conspiracy - Theft By Decep-False Impression 6/5/2019
Cruz, Jessica 42 Bronx, NY 10460 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing 12/4/2024
Cruz, Mauro Ruiz 32 Pittsburgh, PA 15208 [18911B3] Corrupt Organizations - Employee 12/6/2024
Cumberland, Deidra L. 36 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753745A] Acci Dam To Unattended Veh Or Propert 2/12/2025
Cunningham, Charles J. 49 Cross City, FL 32628 [751543B1] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 11/4/2014
Cunningham, Charles J. 49 Cross City, FL 32628 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off 6/20/2022
Cunningham, James Lee 43 East Liverpool, OH 43920 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 5/31/2023
Cunningham, James Lee 43 East Liverpool, OH 43920 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 5/31/2023
Cunningham, James Lee 43 East Liverpool, OH 43920 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 5/31/2023
Cupp, Cody Alan 35 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A3] Simple Assault 8/24/2015
Curry, Christopher Richard 49 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/5/2019
Curry, Christopher Richard 49 Butler, PA 16001 [183503B1I] Def Tres Actual Communication To 9/5/2019
Curzi, Jason David 47 Butler, PA 16001 [183928A] Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles 1/6/2012
Cutshaw, Jennifer Leann 43 Calhoun, GA 30701 [183928A] Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles 4/5/2016
Cutwright, Jason Michael 47 Rices Landing, PA 15357 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/24/2013
Dahl, Randolph Daniel 46 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense 6/3/2024
Dahl, Randolph Daniel 46 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 6/3/2024
Dalton, Kyle Thomas 36 New Brighton, PA 15066 [751786F] Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp 11/8/2023
Daniels, Marcus Allen 37 Monroeville, PA 15146 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 9/27/2024
Davenport, Elizabeth J. 54 Cierra Vista, AZ 85635-3854 [753731A1] Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol 9/11/2006
Davenport, John Clark 40 Warren, MI 48092 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 6/4/2018
Davis, Desiree Rachelle 41 Beaver falls, PA 15010 [35780-113A31] Poss Of Marijuana 5/8/2024
Davis, Janice Aline 72 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 11/10/2022
Davis, Madison Lorraine 26 Oakdale, PA 15071 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 7/20/2021
DEAL JR, DAVID EARL 45 N/A [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations 7/1/2024
Dean, Justin Robert 34 Butler, PA 16001 [182706A1] Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Dean, Misty L. 40 Pittsburgh, PA 15206 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Defelice Wetzel, Nicholas Brandon 33 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense 5/8/2024
Defonde, Katie Marie 38 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [35780-113A32] Conspiracy - Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 10/10/2024
Defonde, Katie Marie 38 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense 10/10/2024
Del Rio, Anthony Jose 18 Meadville, PA 16335 [LO145-3] Disorderly House -- Keeper / Inmate 1/2/2025
Delprete, Calvin Cole 28 Zelienople, PA 16063 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 2/5/2025
Demery, Nyroya Lane Moneek 28 McKeesport, PA 15132 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 1/8/2024
DEMKO, ALLAN SCOTT 46 Lyndora, PA 16045 5015 DOMESTIC RELATIONS 10/13/2023
DEMKO, ALLAN SCOTT 46 Lyndora, PA 16045 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule I - 2nd Offense 6/28/2024
Denman, Jacy N/A Butler, PA 16001 [LO824] Meter Violation 1/16/2025
Dernovish, Joseph Gerant 45 Timpson, TX 75975 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 6/5/2019
Derrick, Edward Allen 55 Pittsburgh, PA 15210 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 2/4/2021
Derrick, William Joseph 43 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Derrick, William Richard 41 Chesapeake, VA 23320 [753731A1] Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol 3/13/2006
Despaw, Brady Robert 53 Butler, PA 16001 [183503A1I] Crim Tres-Enter Structure 12/10/2014
Devorce, Mavis Lavette 44 Greensboro, NC 27406 [18911B3] Corrupt Organizations - Employee 10/3/2024
Diggs, Derenda Leoina 47 Marion, OH 43302 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 8/8/2023
Dillaman, Sally Marie 39 Harmony, PA 16037 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/14/2025
Dingel, William Robert 58 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 8/30/2021
Dinger, Robert John 43 Whitney, PA 15693 [753735.1A] Aggravated Assault By Vehicle While Dui 7/11/2023
Dion, Christian Charles 31 Pittsburgh, PA 15202 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 1/28/2025
Dobrowski, John P. 35 Evans City, PA 16033 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 9/27/2024
Dobrowski, John P. 35 Evans City, PA 16033 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 9/4/2024
Doctor, Ronald Lee 61 Butler, PA 16001 [183502A] Burglary 7/2/2024
Doctor, Ronald Lee 61 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 8/21/2023
Doctor, Ronald Lee 61 Butler, PA 16001 [183304A5] Criminal Mischief - Damage Property 8/21/2023
Dolfi, Glenn Douglas 49 Pittsburgh, PA 15243-2060 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 3/9/2023
Donachy, Joseph Harold 43 Murrysville, PA 15668 [753802D1III] DUI: Controlled Substance - Metabolite - 1st Offense 11/5/2024
Dooley, Corey Allen 43 Mount Carmel, PA 17851 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 11/15/2019
Dopson, Danial James 37 Cadogan, PA 16212 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/16/2024
Dorris aka Breaux, Tiffany A. 43 Valencia, PA 16059 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 7/6/2022
Dos Santos Lima, Willian 26 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [753112A3I] Failure To Stop At Red Signal 2/5/2025
Dos Santos Lima, Willian 26 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [751501A] Driving W/O A License 2/5/2025
Dos Santos Lima, Willian 26 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [753112A1I] Improper Turn / Green Light 2/5/2025
Double, Codey Ray 34 Harrisville, PA 16038 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off 3/15/2017
Double, Matthew Robert 30 Chicora, PA 16025 [182701A3] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/4/2025
Doumont, Michael Richard 54 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 3/6/2024
Dowell, Bruce L. 66 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [182709A1] Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Downing, Racheal M. 41 East Butler, PA 16029 [184914A] False Identification To Law Enforcement Officer 12/8/2021
Downing, Racheal M. 41 East Butler, PA 16029 [184904B] Statement Under Penalty 12/8/2021
Downing, Racheal M. 41 East Butler, PA 16029 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 7/28/2021
Drake, Sonja Jean 50 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 12/20/2024
Drewry, Robert A. 59 Buffalo, NY 14212 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/5/2019
Dudley, Jermale David 42 Warren, OH 44485 [18903A1] Criminal Conspiracy Engaging 10/7/2020
Duffy, Patrick W. 54 LaGrange, GA 30240 [753802D3] DUI: Cont Subs - Comb Alc/Drug - 4th Off & Sub Off 10/4/2017
Dulacy, James Joseph 56 Portersville, PA 16051 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 4th Off & Sub Off 10/23/2023
Duncan, Patrick Leroy 44 Butler, PA 16001 [185123A] Contraband/Controlled Substance Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/5/2025
Duplaga, William E. 48 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 1/11/2021
Duplaga, William E. 48 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 1/11/2021
Duriez, Elexa R. 26 Pittsburgh, PA 15227 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 5/24/2024
Durlin aka Waddel aka Vineyard, Danielle Renee 41 Phillipsburg, PA 16866 [183502A4] Burglary - Not Adapted for Overnight Accommodation, No Person Present 1/30/2024
Duttine, Ryan John 32 Petrolia, PA 16050 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 11/8/2022
Dux, Deonta 24 Mckees Rocks, PA 15136 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 12/4/2024
Ealy aka Larkin, Shirley E. 57 Worthington, PA 16262 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 10/7/2015
Eberhardt, David W. 33 Evans City, PA 16033 [185126A] Flight To Avoid Appreh/Trial/Punish 11/21/2024
Eberhardt, David W. 33 Evans City, PA 16033 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 12/4/2024
Eckels, Zachary William 31 Zelienople, PA 16063 [751301A] Permitting violation of title - Dr Unregist Veh 2/5/2025
Eckenrod, Jaleen S. 42 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 7/9/2021
Edinger, Michael Ross 26 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 10/5/2023
Edmonds, William 61 Pittsburgh, PA 15208 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 4/5/2017
Edwards, Charles Cleveland 72 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 11/26/2024
Edwards, Isaiah Lamar 22 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/21/2024
Edwards, Randy Arnold 31 Butler, PA 16001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 3/6/2024
Eiler, Thomas Gerard 23 Butler, PA 16001 [182709A3] Harassment - Course of Conduct W/No Legitimate Purpose 10/7/2024
Eiler, Thomas Gerard 23 Butler, PA 16001 [753362A2-26] Exceed 55 MPH In Other Loc By 26 MPH 1/3/2025
Ekaitis, Wyatt John 33 Rochester, PA 15074 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 10/3/2024
Ekaitis, Wyatt John 33 Rochester, PA 15074 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 10/3/2024
Elliott, Tiffany Elizabeth 44 East Mckeesport, PA 15035 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 8/15/2024
Ellis, Ewani Wayne 42 Coraopolis, PA 15108 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 7/10/2023
Ellis, Nicole Marie 37 Butler, PA 16001 5015 DOMESTIC RELATIONS 3/15/2024
Ellisor, Raenna Lynn 27 Evans City, PA 16033 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 10/25/2024
Elwell, Rachal Doreen Jean 29 Farmington, PA 15437 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 11/22/2024
Enlow, Russell Anthony 42 Butler, PA 16001 [185104] Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/7/2025
Erdley, David James 41 Indiana, PA 15701 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 3rd Offense 3/7/2023
Erdley, Qwintin J. 20 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [7533091] Disregard Traffic Lane (Single) 1/7/2025
Espinoza, Uriel Reyes 34 Washington, PA 15301 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 2/27/2018
Evanoski, Stephanie Lynn 35 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/29/2025
Evanoski, Stephanie Lynn 35 Butler, PA 16001 [182706A1] Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/7/2025
Evans, Jordan Guy 34 Edgewood, PA 15218 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 4/5/2023
Evans, Robert Vaughn 57 Unknow, PA [183502A4] Burglary - Not Adapted for Overnight Accommodation, No Person Present 6/25/2020
Evans, William Everett 45 Sarver, PA 16055 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 5/15/2024
Everett, Shawnnay 24 Ringgold, GA 30738 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/31/2024
Fagan, Betsy Ann N/A Butler, PA 16001 [LO824] Meter Violation 1/16/2025
Fair, Joshua James 35 Oil City, PA 16301 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Fairish AKA Collins, Christine Michelle 47 Rankin, PA 15104 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 6/19/2008
Fairtrace, Brandon Keith 30 Swissvale, PA 15218 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 9/4/2024
Fairtrace, Brandon Keith 30 Swissvale, PA 15218 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 10/2/2024
Fairtrace, Brandon Keith 30 Swissvale, PA 15218 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 9/4/2024
Fajohn, Dominic James 54 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 10/5/2023
Fajohn, Nathan Alan 55 Grove City, PA 16127 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 8/14/2024
Fajohn, Nathan Alan 55 Grove City, PA 16127 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 8/14/2024
Fajohn, Nikki Lynn 30 Hilliards, PA 16040 [35780-113A37] Controlled Substance-Anabolic Strd 10/16/2024
Falletta, Brandon Anthony 35 Philadelphia, PA 19139 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use 1/9/2024
Farley, Shane Patrick 49 Butler, PA 16001 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 1/31/2025
Farmer, Bryan K. 66 Louisville, KY 40216 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 1/6/2012
Feliciano, Gilbert 54 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1924 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 6/19/2007
Feliciano, Gilbert 54 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1924 [183921A] Criminal Attempt - Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 6/19/2007
Feliciano, Gilbert 54 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1924 [183934A] Criminal Attempt - Theft From A Motor Vehicle 6/19/2007
Feliciano, Gilbert 54 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1924 [183934A] Theft From A Motor Vehicle 3/26/2007
Feltmate, Stephanee Anne 40 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense 12/5/2023
Ferderbar, Joseph Anthony 47 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense 1/8/2024
FERGUSON, DEBORAH ANN 55 MIDDLETOWN, OH 45042 [184105A1] Bad Checks 12/9/2002
Fernandez Maqueira, Sariel 24 Hialeah, FL 33010 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/17/2024
Fetter, Clarence William 57 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 11/14/2024
Fetter, Clarence William 57 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [751371A] Veh Reg Suspended 11/14/2024
Fetter, Clarence William 57 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [751786F] Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp 11/14/2024
Fields, Richard Martin 49 New Castle, PA 16101 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 7/28/2004
Finch, Ruth Ann 57 Meadville, PA 16335 [751543B1] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 5/9/2024
Finch, Ruth Ann 57 Meadville, PA 16335 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing 5/9/2024
Fink, Edward Conrad 38 Butler, PA 16002 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/16/2024
Finley, Jamal Abduol 47 Youngstown, OH 44511 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 1/7/2025
Finucan, Chad W. 41 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 7/7/2023
Finucan, Chad W. 41 Butler, PA 16001 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 12/10/2024
Finucan, Chad W. 41 Butler, PA 16001 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 12/10/2024
FINUCAN, TODD RYAN 46 BUTLER, PA 16001 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations 8/21/2024
Fischer, Michael Andrew 39 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 9/16/2021
Fish, Daniel Leonard 56 Butler, PA 16001 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 4/5/2023
Fisher, David M. 22 Franklin, PA 16323 [753802A2] DUI: Gen Imp (BAC .08 - .10) 1st Off Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/7/2025
Fitzgibbon, Michael P. 62 Butler, PA [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 11/8/2023
Flaherty, Justin David 31 Pittsburgh, PA 15215 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/23/2024
Flak, Christine Leigh 54 Erie, PA 16503 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 1/8/2025
Fleeger, James Erwin 41 Butler, PA 16001 [3459-502-AA1II] Harbor Dangerous Dog - Kill/Injures Domestic Animal 2/10/2025
Fleming, Jack Jay 50 Gibsonia, PA 15044 [182701A1] Simple Assault 10/16/2023
Flewellen, Rashan D. 47 Pittsburgh, PA 15235 [183304A3] Crim'l Misch-Another Pecun Loss 12/6/2005
Flint, Deborah Marietta 37 Oakdale, PA 15071 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 6/6/2023
Flis, Joseph John 68 Butler, PA 16001 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 8/29/2024
Florentino-Facundo, Antonio 41 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 9/4/2015
Fojo, Tina 28 Chula Vista, CA 91911 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 12/24/2019
Foley, Timothy Michael 45 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/9/2019
Forcellini, Michael R. 61 Parma, OH 44134 [756110A] Viol Rules Pa Turnpike Comm 11/14/2024
Ford AKA Dean, Sylvia K. 53 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 [182701A1] Simple Assault 11/3/2021
Ford AKA Dean, Sylvia K. 53 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 [185104] Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce 11/3/2021
Ford, Noel Charles 58 Butler, PA 16001 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 4/5/2023
FORTUNA, KAYLA JANE 39 ZELIENOPLE, PA 16063 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations 8/21/2024
Fosnaught, Scott Henry 64 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault 5/18/2023
Frank, Mark Nicholas 64 Roanoke, VA 24012 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/12/2017
Frank, Mark Nicholas 64 Roanoke, VA 24012 [753802D1II] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 2 or 3 - 1st Offense 2/2/2016
Frank, Wesley H. 41 Butler, PA 16001 [183925A] Conspiracy - Receiving Stolen Property 12/4/2024
Frank, Wesley H. 41 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 12/4/2024
Franklin, Russell 37 MONESSEN, PA 15062 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 2/4/2015
Franklin-Scott, Jazzle Latisha 30 Riverdale, IL 60827 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 9/8/2020
Fray, Damion Orlando 27 PA [183932A] Theft Of Leased Property 4/4/2023
Frederick, Wendy 56 Pittsburgh, PA 15215 [771039.22] Workmans Compensation Insurance Fraud 7/2/2024
Freed, James Angelo 67 Butler, PA 16001 [185505] Public Drunkenness And Similar Misconduct 2/12/2025
Friend, Gavin Lee 34 Freedom, PA 15042 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 7/19/2024
Frishkorn, Douglas Edwar 47 Fenelton, PA 16034 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 11/15/2022
Frishkorn, Douglas Edwar 47 Fenelton, PA 16034 5015 DOMESTIC RELATIONS 2/10/2023
Frye, George Milton 37 Franklin, PA 16323 [186301A1II] Corruption Of Minors - Defendant Age 18 or Above 6/5/2019
Fulton, Brad Allen 48 Phoenix, AZ 85028-3220 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 10/5/2022
Fulton, Brad Allen 48 Phoenix, AZ 85028-3220 [186310.1A] Sell/Furnish Liquor Etc Minor 10/5/2022
Funkhouser, Curtis Stanley 22 Eugene, OR 97402 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 5/31/2023
Gaiser, Joshua Russell 32 Butler, PA 16001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 4/5/2024
Galbreath, Janice Ann 71 Butler, PA 16001 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 5/1/2015
Galbreath, Kari 49 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 4/6/2021
Galina, Timothy Martin 33 Iron City, TN 38463 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/25/2017
Galutzi, Joseph Charles 46 Tarentum, PA 15084 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 8/8/2023
Galutzi, Joseph Charles 46 Tarentum, PA 15084 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 8/8/2023
Galutzi, Joseph Charles 46 Tarentum, PA 15084 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 8/8/2023
Galutzi, Joseph Charles 46 Tarentum, PA 15084 [183502A] Criminal Conspiracy Engaging - Burglary 8/8/2023
Gambill, Jordan Damone 29 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [183928A] Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 11/25/2024
Ganter, James Clarence 50 Butler, PA 16001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 7/12/2024
Garlow, Scott 52 Donora, PA 15033 [184101A1] Forgery - Alter Writing 12/15/2023
Garnett, Michelle 50 Coraopolis, PA 15108 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/4/2025
Garris, Brandon Lee 30 Shelocta, PA 15774 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 11/25/2024
Garris, Brandon Lee 30 Shelocta, PA 15774 [754581A2II] Fail to use safety belt - driver and front seat occupant 11/25/2024
Garris, Brandon Lee 30 Shelocta, PA 15774 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 11/25/2024
Gaynor, Alexander C. 32 Pinson, AL 35126 [7533091] Disregard Traffic Lane (Single) 12/11/2024
Geist, Cynthia Ann 55 Gibsonia, PA 15044 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 6/8/2022
Genes, Ernica 43 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Gent, Jeremy Elliott 33 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 5/8/2024
Gent, Jeremy Elliott 33 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [182701A1] Simple Assault 5/8/2024
Gent, Jeremy Elliott 33 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [35780-113A31] Poss Of Marijuana 9/4/2024
George, Ashley Elizabeth 37 Butler, PA 16001 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 2/12/2025
Gerken, Roy Earl 39 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 1/5/2022
Gerken, Roy Earl 39 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 1/5/2022
Gerken, Roy Earl 39 Butler, PA 16001 5015 7/31/2023
Gerney, Justin Charles 36 Cairnbrook, PA 15924 [182701A1] Simple Assault 11/15/2023
Getty, Jacob 25 Evans City, PA 16033 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/6/2025
Getty, Shyanne Mae 33 Wampum, PA 16157 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 7/19/2024
Getty, Shyanne Mae 33 Wampum, PA 16157 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 6/18/2024
Ginther, Brandon Richard 37 New Brighton, PA 15066 [184106A1IV] Other Reason Access Device Is Unauth By Issuer 12/23/2024
Gleason, Bryon Patrick 38 Baden, PA 15005 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 3/9/2023
Glenn, Stephen Paul 36 Dunn, NC 28334 [753802D3] DUI: Controlled Substance - Combination Alcohol/Drugs - 1st Offense 1/9/2019
Glover, Jeremy Wayne 51 Irwin, PA 15642 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 1/5/2015
Goepfert, Leroy H. 45 Butler, PA 16002 [182701A1] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/22/2025
Goepfert, Samantha April 38 Saxonburg, PA 16056 5015 - Domestic Relations Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/23/2025
Goettler, John Joseph 58 Butler, PA 16002 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 1/15/2025
Goff, Curtis Keith 31 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault 6/8/2022
Goff, Curtis Keith 31 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A3] Simple Assault 6/8/2022
Goff, Curtis Keith 31 Butler, PA 16001 [183925A] Conspiracy - Receiving Stolen Property 6/8/2022
Goff, Curtis Keith 31 Butler, PA 16001 [183503B1I] Def Tres Actual Communication To 6/8/2022
Gomez Martinez, Yury Karina 22 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 11/5/2024
Gonzalez, Jeremy 49 Butler, PA 16001 [183503A1II] Crim Tres-Break Into Structure 4/7/2009
Gonzalez, Joshua A. 36 Pittsburgh, PA 15237 [182705] Recklessly Endangering Another Person 11/4/2019
Good, Joshua Douglas 38 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 10/10/2024
Goodson aka Strange, Kathy Elizabeth 37 New Castle, PA 16101 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/16/2024
Gopallka, Nityanand 45 [186318A1] Unlawful Contact With Minor - Sexual Offenses 8/3/2009
Gordon, Lloyd Anthony 39 McKeesport, PA 15132 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 11/3/2023
Goshay, Aaron Michael 20 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 12/4/2024
Goughler, Jeffrey A. 47 Oil City, PA 16301 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Graf, Leslie 68 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/22/2025
Graham, Antonio Marco Lesha 35 Mount Olive, NC 28365 [182701A1] Simple Assault 9/24/2018
Graham, Antonio Marco Lesha 35 Mount Olive, NC 28365 [182701A1] Simple Assault 9/24/2018
Graham, Antonio Marco Lesha 35 Mount Olive, NC 28365 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 1/7/2016
Graham, Antonio Marco Lesha 35 Mount Olive, NC 28365 [182709A1] Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact 1/7/2016
Graham, Curtis Seymour 56 Dayton, PA 16222 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 3/8/2011
Graham, Don Darrell 54 Pittsburgh, PA 15235 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/9/2019
Graham, Mark Allan 44 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 12/5/2019
Graham, Shawn Eric 46 Hostetter, PA 15638 [183701A1V] Robbery-Take Property Fr Other/Force 9/20/2022
Grant, Kenya Bassinton K 44 Wilkinsburg, PA 15221 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 5/8/2008
Grant, Kenya Bassinton K 44 Wilkinsburg, PA 15221 [186117A] Alter/Obliterate Mark Of Identification 5/8/2008
Grant, Shamar 27 Lansdowne, PA 19050 [35780-113A31] Poss Of Marijuana 1/5/2022
Grassi, Richard T. 58 Erie, PA 16502 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 8/7/2024
Grattan, Alexander John 30 Monroeville, PA 15146 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 3rd Off 9/8/2023
Gray, Raven Lynn 38 New Kensington, PA 15068 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 4/27/2021
Greathouse, Kenneth A. 33 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 5/3/2023
Greek, Alexandria Noelle 36 Lyndora, PA 16045 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 10/24/2019
Greek, Alexandria Noelle 36 Lyndora, PA 16045 [183926A1] Theft Of Services-Acquis Of Service 12/12/2019
Green, Trevor Daniel 34 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use 3/18/2024
Greene, Bryan Russell 58 Pittsburgh, PA 15206 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 4/7/2021
Greenwald, Brian Keith 38 New Bloomfld, PA 17068 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Grieb, Nikki B. 75 Gibsonia, PA 15044 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 12/10/2004
Griffin, Charles G. 51 Pittsburgh, PA 15208 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 8/15/2024
Griffin, Charles G. 51 Pittsburgh, PA 15208 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 8/15/2024
Griffin, Thomas Patrick 50 Monroeville, PA 15146 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 5/14/2024
Grills, James Austin David 23 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [182706A1] Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another 9/4/2024
Gross, Matthew J. 46 Ambridge, PA 15003 [753731A2] Dr Un The Inf Of Contro Substan 7/9/2009
Grudzinsky, Todd Michael 28 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 [184120A] Identity Theft 3/4/2019
Gruia, Pasc 37 Flushing, NY 11379 [183922A1] Conspiracy - Theft By Decep-False Impression 12/1/2023
Grystar, John N/A Oaks, PA 19456 [LO212-1] Reports of Lessees and Occupants Required 8/30/2024
Guidish, Michelle A. 45 Greenville, PA 16125 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 2/6/2013
Guidish, Michelle A. 45 Greenville, PA 16125 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 2/6/2013
Guidish, Michelle A. 45 Greenville, PA 16125 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 2/6/2013
Guidish, Michelle A. 45 Greenville, PA 16125 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 2/6/2013
Guidish, Michelle A. 45 Greenville, PA 16125 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 2/6/2013
Gustafson, Jamie Fae 40 Cherry Tree, PA 15724 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 8/21/2024
Guta, Chad Weldon 50 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault 1/4/2019
Guthrie, Sandra Carol 36 Koppel, PA 16136 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 9/15/2021
Gutierrez, Carlos Y. 41 Quakertown, PA 18951 [184106A1I] Access Device Is Counterfeit, Altered, Incomplete 5/4/2022
Guzman, Keniesha Esther 34 Reading, PA 19602 [183929.3A] Conspiracy - Organized retail theft 10/3/2024
Haag, James Daniel 37 Beaver, PA 15009 [186106A2] Firearm Not To Be Carried W/O License-No Crim Viol 2/4/2015
Hack, Mary Elaine 39 Oil City, PA 16301 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 1/27/2025
Hackett, Paul Douglas 61 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 1/8/2025
Halbert, Garey Tyrone 67 Bedford, PA 15522 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 7/2/2024
Hall, Drew 35 Chesapeake, VA 23320 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 7/22/2021
Hamer, Robert Justin 42 Pittsburgh, PA 15211 [184101A1] Forgery - Alter Writing 12/11/2023
Hamilton, Lee 44 Cowansville, PA 16218 [184105A1] Bad Checks 11/26/2024
Hamlin, Peter Nolan 51 BUTLER, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 1/3/2025
Hamlin, Peter Nolan 51 BUTLER, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 1/3/2025
Hamlin, Peter Nolan 51 BUTLER, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/28/2025
Handley, Lori Jo 45 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 2/5/2025
Handley, Lori Jo 45 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [753112A3I] Failure To Stop At Red Signal 2/5/2025
Hanger, Dylan 33 Niles, OH 44446 [185505] Public Drunkenness And Similar Misconduct 9/5/2019
Hanna, Keith Michael 76 Coalport, PA 16627 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 2/3/2022
Hanna, Keith Michael 76 Coalport, PA 16627 [753733A] Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer 2/3/2022
Harbison, Donald Mcclain 58 Butler, PA 16001 [753735.1A] Aggravated Assault By Vehicle While Dui 5/3/2023
Harbor, Myron Eugene 56 Atlanta, GA 30310 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 5/4/2022
Hardisty, Kiera Luana 22 Chicora, PA 16025 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/8/2025
Hardisty, Kiera Luana 22 Chicora, PA 16025 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 11/21/2024
Hare, Derek Justin 36 Butler, PA 16001 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/24/2025
Hargett, Shaun Michael 46 Sarver, PA 16055 [756110A] Viol Rules Pa Turnpike Comm 1/28/2025
Hargett, Shaun Michael 46 Sarver, PA 16055 [751501A] Driving W/O A License 1/28/2025
Harlan, Ares Matthew 37 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 3/8/2018
Harrell, Elisha Hezekiah 27 Woodbridge, VA 22191 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 4/5/2023
Harrington, Lance Charles 37 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 4/11/2014
Harris, Bonnie J. 59 Unknown, PA [183503B1I] Def Tres Actual Communication To Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 12/26/2024
Harris, Larry A. 56 New Kensington, PA 15068 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 5/24/2023
Harris, Larry A. 56 New Kensington, PA 15068 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 5/24/2023
Harris, Noah Jaylen 24 New Brighton, PA 15066 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 2/5/2025
Harris, Noah Jaylen 24 New Brighton, PA 15066 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 2/5/2025
Harris, Stacey Lynn 49 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 9/18/2024
Harris, TONY Lee 33 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off 12/5/2024
Hartman, Timothy 64 Akron, OH 44313 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 6/22/2021
Hartmann, Devin Tyler 19 Evans City, PA 16033 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/6/2025
Hasley, Maurice Herbert 36 Youngstown, OH 44507 [429134] Arrest Prior To Requisition 11/21/2023
Hatfield, William Joseph 22 Pittsburgh, PA 15226 [184304A1] Endangering Welfare of Children - Parent/Guardian/Other Commits Offense Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/7/2025
Hatok, Valer 31 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Hatten, Rodrick 33 Pittsburgh, PA 15104 [185503A3] Disorderly Conduct Obscene Lang/Gest 9/8/2023
Haun, Sabrina 43 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 4/5/2024
Hauserman, James W. 45 Evans City, PA 16033 [184105A1] Bad Checks 6/19/2020
Hausman, Angela K. 45 Red Hill, PA 18076 [184120A] Identity Theft Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Haybarger, Tori Lynn 28 New Castle, PA 16101 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 9/13/2024
HAYES AKA HAGA, ROBERT LARRY 77 DAMASCUS, VA 24236-4040 Burglary (of a structure adapted for overnight accommodation in which at the time of the offense any person is present) 11/10/1998
HAYES AKA HAGA, ROBERT LARRY 77 DAMASCUS, VA 24236-4040 Burglary (of a structure adapted for overnight accommodation in which at the time of the offense any person is present) 11/6/1998
Hayes-Flynn, Dyonte Marcellas 35 New Kensington, PA 15068 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 9/8/2023
Hayes-Flynn, Dyonte Marcellas 35 New Kensington, PA 15068 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 9/8/2023
Haymer, Vario Joejuann 32 Detroit, MI 48219-4817 [184101A3] Conspiracy - Forgery - Utters Forged Writing 5/5/2021
Hays III, William David 47 Greensburg, PA 15601 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 11/15/2024
Hazy, Esmael Jacob 24 Grove City, PA 16127 [183126A1] Indec Asslt-W/O Cons Of Other 7/31/2019
Heasley, Chad Thomas 40 Ormond Beach, FL 32176 [183921A] Conspiracy - Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 3/6/2024
Heckathorn, Ferdinand Charles 34 Titusville, PA 16354 [185104] Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/17/2025
Hein, Janel Dawn 44 Beaver, PA 15009 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 10/5/2023
Heinle, Mark Thomas 67 Pittsburgh, PA 15224 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 5/2/2018
Henderson, Alexis Danielle 40 Morton, PA 19070 [184118] Washing Vehicle Titles 12/23/2024
Henderson, Alton Leroy 29 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 9/21/2021
Henderson, John Adolphus 77 San Francisco, CA 94103 [18903A1] Criminal Conspiracy Engaging 11/4/2016
Henriquez, Donnell Eu 25 Middletown, DE 19709 [751371A] Veh Reg Suspended 2/6/2025
Henry, Casey Austin 30 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 11/8/2023
Henry, Jacob Richard 31 Butler, PA 16001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 11/8/2023
Hepner, April Dawn 43 New Alexandria, PA 15670 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 6/29/2021
Hernandez, Samuel Jacob 44 Jacksonville, FL 32210 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 5/9/2024
Hernandez-Sanchez, Juan Carlos 36 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 11/29/2018
Herold, David Lee N/A Petrolia, PA 16050 [LO824] Meter Violation 1/28/2025
Herrera Tellez, Esteban David 21 Flushing, NY 11358 [7513723] Display Plate Card In Improp Veh 11/21/2024
Herts, Reginald L. 41 Auburn, WA 98092 [183503A1I] Criminal Attempt - Crim Tres-Enter Structure 10/8/2010
Hewitt, Thomas M. 42 Cheyenne, WY 82007 [184105A1] Bad Checks 9/20/2018
Hickerson, Chloe Elena 27 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Hickman, Brittany Allison 36 Elkview, WV 25071 [183503B1I] Def Tres Actual Communication To 8/9/2017
Hicks, Mandi Jo 44 Hilliards, PA [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 8/19/2013
Hicks, Mandi Jo 44 Hilliards, PA [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 8/19/2013
Higgins, Israel Gideon Emanuel 29 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 10/4/2024
Hildebrand III, John Russell 61 Chicora, PA 16025 [753361] Driving at Safe Speed 3/10/2023
Hile, Wendy Lynne 44 Petrolia, PA 16050 [753334A] Turning Movements And Required Signals 2/7/2024
Hileman, Brittany Leigh 39 Ambridge, PA 15003 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/15/2025
Hill, Paire Tyvon 24 Detroit, MI 48221 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Hilson, Anthony Dwayne 54 Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 [753362A2-5] Exceed 55 MPH In Other Loc By 5 MPH 1/31/2025
Himmelwright, Marc P. 37 Butler, PA 16001 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/4/2025
Himmelwright, Marc P. 37 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 2/4/2025
Hinda, Monica R. 27 Coraopolis, PA 15108 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 2/5/2025
Hineline, Jermanydragonfire Jayden Jordan 18 Butler, PA 16002 [182701A1] Simple Assault Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/29/2025
Hines aka Quillen, Tracie M. 59 Apollo, PA 15613 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 4/8/2024
Hines, Deborah Ann 50 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/21/2024
Hines, Deborah Ann 50 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 1/31/2024
Hines, Deborah Ann 50 Butler, PA 16001 [62481A] Fraud Obt Foodstamps/Assistance 1/30/2024
Hirsch, Leroy James 63 Huntsville, TX 77320 [182706A1] Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another 7/1/2011
Hite, Richard A. 49 CAMBRIDGE, OH 43725 [754902A] Viol Size/Weight Limits 3/10/2023
Hixon, Rebecca N/A Zelienople, PA 16063 [184105A1] Bad Checks 1/31/2025
Hockaday, Damon A. 46 Philadelphia, PA 19132 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 3/10/2023
Hodak, Errika M. 36 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Criminal Attempt - Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 9/27/2011
Hodeney, Joshua 25 Pittsburgh, PA 15239 [182701A1] Simple Assault 8/31/2023
Hodge, Huvon Alexander 58 Detroit, MI 48212-2105 [184101A1] Forgery - Alter Writing 8/5/2020
Hodgetts, Ashley C. 39 [183921A] Criminal Attempt - Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 7/22/2021
Hogan, Mary Kathryn 32 Coudersport, PA 16915 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 8/27/2024
Hogan, Tommy Ray 46 Bradley, OK 73011 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 10/4/2017
Hohman, Keith Thomas 34 Tarentum, PA 15084 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/7/2025
Holderman, Rae Lee 37 Butler, PA 16001 [753712B] Abandoning Veh on Pub/Private Prop 2/12/2025
Holdren, Beverly Jo 45 Parkersburg, WV 26101 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/6/2019
Holleran, Matthew John 38 Glenshaw, PA 15116 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/8/2023
Holleran, Matthew John 38 Glenshaw, PA 15116 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/8/2023
Holleran, Matthew John 38 Glenshaw, PA 15116 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 9/8/2023
Hollis, William 55 Pittsburgh, PA 15202 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 11/21/2024
Hollis, William 55 Pittsburgh, PA 15202 [751301A] Dr Unregist Veh 11/21/2024
Holmes AKA Trosclair, Lisa 48 Rochester, PA 15074 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/9/2022
Holmes, Joshua Connathan 33 Miami, FL 33147 [184118] Washing Vehicle Titles 12/23/2024
Holt, Corry J. 51 Andover, OH 44003 [186111G4II] Materially false written statement - purchase, delivery, transfer of firearm 8/15/2024
Holt, Corry J. 51 Andover, OH 44003 [751301A] Dr Unregist Veh 8/15/2024
Honan, Taylor Timothy 39 Meadville, PA 16335 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/15/2025
Honeycutt, Gerald Kenneth 48 Butler, PA 16001 [753802A2] DUI: Gen Imp (BAC .08 - .10) 1st Off 10/5/2021
Hoover, Martin David 55 Fombell, PA 16123 [753802D1III] DUI: Controlled Substance - Metabolite - 1st Offense 10/10/2024
Hormel, Matthew R. 42 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 2/4/2015
Horn, Anthony T. 39 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 11/6/2019
Hornbuckle, Kyree Marquezes 23 [182701A1] Simple Assault 11/20/2024
Horner, Robert Eugene 47 Reynoldsville, PA 15851 [184904B] Statement Under Penalty 9/22/2023
Hoskinson, Anthony James 51 Lima, OH 45805 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 9/8/2016
Howard, Lacey Ann 30 Arnold, PA 15068 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 2/3/2022
Howard, Lacey Ann 30 Arnold, PA 15068 [183922A3] Theft By Deception-Fail To Correct 2/3/2022
Howley, George Robert 37 Connoquenessing, PA 16027 [LO763] Parking Violation 2/11/2025
Hoy, Andrew Jameel 30 East Brady, PA 16028 [182701A1] Simple Assault 11/8/2022
Hoy, Shana Marie 25 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/8/2025
Huber, John Richard 52 Ambridge, PA 15003 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Hudson, Steven Franklin 36 Butler, PA 16002 [751301A] Dr Unregist Veh 12/11/2024
Huelsman, Scott Lee 62 Butler, PA 16001 [MIGRATIONMIGRATION] Migrated Ordinance 2/3/2022
Huet, Darci Ann 45 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 3/10/2023
Huff, Trisha M. 30 Eau Claire, PA 16030 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations 10/10/2024
Huff, Trisha M. 30 Eau Claire, PA 16030 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations 10/10/2024
Huffaker, Paul T. 53 Creighton, PA 15030 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Huffaker, Paul T. 53 Creighton, PA 15030 [7571223] Poss/Sale/Use Display Documents Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Huffman, Casey Dale 36 Mount Union, PA 17066 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 6/17/2024
Hughes, Hunter Wilson 24 Indian Head, PA 15446 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 6/24/2024
Hundley, Frank Joseph 39 Columbus, OH 43232 [18907A] Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int 5/3/2018
Hundley, Ravone James 35 Bronx, NY 10467 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing 8/23/2019
Hunt, Roy Alan 48 Pittsburgh, PA 15237-4969 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 12/3/2015
Hunter, Jonathan Lamar 24 Detroit, MI 48223 [753743A] Accident Involv Damage Attended Vehicle/Prop 2/9/2021
Hutchens, Dominic Robert 28 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 2/10/2022
Hutchens, Dominic Robert 28 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 6/8/2022
Hutcheson, Michael James 39 Fort Mill, SC 29708 [184105A1] Bad Checks 10/12/2018
Hutcheson, Michael James 39 Fort Mill, SC 29708 [184105A1] Bad Checks 8/8/2018
Hutchins, Jerome Lamar 36 Detroit, MI 48223-1402 [184101A3] Conspiracy - Forgery - Utters Forged Writing 1/9/2019
Hutchison, Justin M. 30 Chicora, PA 16025 [751543B1I] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 7/16/2024
Hutchison, Justin M. 30 Chicora, PA 16025 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 7/16/2024
Huth, Ashley Eileen 30 Butler, Pa 16001, PA [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/10/2025
Idow, Jamal Ahmed 29 Milwaukee, WI 53205 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (BAC .10 - <.16) 2nd Off 4/7/2021
Imel, Theresa Elizabeth 43 Dravosburg, PA 15034 [18911B4] Consp To Vio 911b1, 911b2, 911b3 12/6/2024
Ingram, Xavier Nathaniel 22 Grand Rapids, MI 49508 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 10/3/2024
Ingwersen, Matthew J. 56 Butler, PA 16001 [751543B1III] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1-3rd or Subs. Violation Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/13/2025
Irvin, Brittany Lee Nicole 33 Butler, PA 16001 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 5/25/2023
Isom, Tabatha Beth 40 Randleman, NC 27317 [753802D3] DUI: Controlled Substance - Combination Alcohol/Drugs - 1st Offense 5/10/2010
Ivanchan, Brian J. 40 Moon Township, PA 15108 [184105A1] Bad Checks 5/23/2007
J& S ENTERPRISES UNLIMITED LLC N/A Azle, TX 76020 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 11/25/2024
J& S ENTERPRISES UNLIMITED LLC N/A Azle, TX 76020 [754107B2] Oper/Perm Op W/Unsafe Eqmt/ 11/25/2024
J& S ENTERPRISES UNLIMITED LLC N/A Azle, TX 76020 [754107B.1] Out Of Service Criteria 11/25/2024
J& S ENTERPRISES UNLIMITED LLC N/A Azle, TX 76020 [751605B1IV] Prohibitions: Driver Not Licensed 11/25/2024
Jackson, Antonio L. 44 Warren, OH 44485 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 12/5/2024
Jackson, Brandon Lavalle 45 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Jackson, Brandon Lavalle 45 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Jackson, Demarrius Alundris 30 Brooklyn, NY 11213 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 4/5/2023
Jackson, John Jameel 48 Butler, PA 16001 [183304A1] Crim Misch/Dmg Prop Intent, Reckless, Or Neglig Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay 1/8/2025
Jacobs, Haji 33 New Castle, PA 16101 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense 9/13/2022
Jacobs, Haji 33 New Castle, PA 16101 [615902A2] Contraband Prohibited - Alcohol and Drugs - Brought into Correctional Institution 6/29/2022
Jacobs, Timothy R. 59 Taylorsville, NC 28681 [754902A] Viol Size/Weight Limits 4/17/2007
Jacquet, Rowan Phillip 36 Charlotte, NC 28214 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 10/3/2024
James, Brian Jamal 23 Youngstown, OH 44506 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 8/14/2024
Jameson, Kristi L. 41 Bruin, PA 16035 [751543B1] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Jameson, Kristi L. 41 Bruin, PA 16035 [186301A1I] Corruption Of Minors Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Jarrett, Brittany M. 35 Aliquippa, PA 15001 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 11/8/2023
Jean-Charles, Davelee L. 30 Elizabeth, NJ 07020 [753802E] DUI: Minor - 1st Offense 2/8/2023
Jeffries, Erik Vincent 60 Nichols, SC 29581 [753743A] Accident Involv Damage Attended Vehicle/Prop 10/14/2021
Jeffries, Micah William 31 West Mifflin, PA 15122 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 2/3/2025
Jenkins, Eric Joseph William 33 Philadelphia, PA 19134 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use 1/17/2023
Jennings, Paul William 60 Wexford, PA 15090 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 11/22/2010
Jensen, Christopher Erik 40 Bruin, PA 16022 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Jesseman, Jason Scott 47 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [751501A] Driving W/O A License 4/5/2024
Jesseman, Jason Scott 47 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [754303A] No Headlights 4/5/2024
Jewart, Jerad Ross 38 Chicora, PA 16025 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 3/1/2022
Jiang, Jinfeng 41 flushing, NY 11354 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 4/5/2024
Johnson, Archie Mickey 34 Detroit, MI 48224-2274 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 11/9/2016
Johnson, Charles Lenard Beasly 31 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off 1/4/2021
Johnson, Christina M. 39 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 [184120A] Identity Theft 8/2/2010
Johnson, Christina M. 39 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 [183929A1] Criminal Conspiracy Engaging - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/2/2010
Johnson, Christina M. 39 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/2/2010
Johnson, Christina M. 39 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing 8/2/2010
Johnson, Christina M. 39 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 8/2/2010
Johnson, Christina M. 39 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 8/2/2010
Johnson, Donald Lee 43 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 1/28/2025
JOHNSON, JAMES LOUIS 51 N/A [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 12/8/1997
Johnson, Kenan Michael 25 Glen Burnie, MD 21061-5827 [182701A1] Simple Assault 3/13/2023
Johnson, Leterrance Kentrell 32 Atlanta, GA 30349 [184120A] Conspiracy - Identity Theft 3/14/2023
Johnson, Marvell L. 33 Elkridge, MD 21075 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 5/7/2014
Johnson, Maurice Tymeer (aka Thomas) 26 Pittsburgh, PA 15220 [185121A] Escape Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Johnson, Nazir Akeem 29 Greensboro, NC 27410 [184106A2] Publ, Make, See, Etc Access Device Altered, Etc 6/12/2024
Johnson, Rayshard Tarray Lee 21 Erie, PA 16503 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 12/3/2024
Johnson, Ruel Kywasie 30 Pottstown, PA 19464 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense 9/17/2021
Johnson, Steven Allen 37 Franklin, PA 16323 [183922A1] Theft By Decep-False Impression 9/4/2024
Jolly, Andre Scott 44 Pittsburgh, PA 15224 [183502A] Burglary 2/3/2022
Jolly, Andre Scott 44 Pittsburgh, PA 15224 [183928A] Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles 2/3/2022
Jones, Andrew Fredrick 26 Karns City, PA 16041 [753802D3] DUI: Controlled Substance - Combination Alcohol/Drugs - 1st Offense 7/11/2024
Jones, Brandy Lynn 42 Erie, PA 16501 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 11/5/2024
Jones, Daniel Colorado 65 Emlenton, PA 16373 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 11/8/2023
Jones, Daniel Colorado 65 Emlenton, PA 16373 [182709A7] Harassment - Comm. Repeatedly in Another Manner 11/8/2023
Jones, James Michael 26 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [182718A1] Strangulation - Applying Pressure to Throat or Neck 10/3/2024
Jones, Jorden Eirmaign 35 Cheswick, PA 15024 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off 1/9/2024
Jones, Kaywood Edward 57 New Brighton, PA 15066 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/6/2022
Jones, Mahkaylah Dionja 25 Charlotte, NC 28208 [184106A1II] Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use 10/3/2024
JONES, MARISSA LYNN 27 SAXONBURG, PA 16056 5015 - Domestic Relations 4/19/2024
Jones, Mark Andrew 39 Gibsonia, PA 15044 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 3rd Offense 11/22/2017
Jones, Ollie A. 66 Leetsdale, PA 15056 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 11/22/2010
Jones, Paul Christian 53 Lakeland, FL 33805 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 4/5/2023
Jones, Robert Lewis 55 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/31/2022
Juanah, Marlon Saa 30 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 3/26/2019
Juliano, Michael Vincent 38 Jacksonville, FL 32205 [184101A2] Forgery-Unauthorized Act In Writing 2/10/2020
Justice, Louis 35 Campbell, OH 44405 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 1/7/2025
Kahle, Hogan Colt 39 Franklin, PA 16323 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 3/13/2023
Kaiser, Bridget Dawn 43 Fenelton, PA 16034 [753802D3] DUI: Controlled Substance - Combination Alcohol/Drug - 3rd Offense 4/5/2024
Kaminsky, Matthew J. 48 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [751543A] Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked 10/23/2024
Kammerdiener, William George 58 Petrolia, PA 16050 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 3rd Off 8/31/2018
Kasunic, Anthony Michael 38 Pittsburgh, PA 15228 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Keeler, Matthew Thomas 39 Unknown, PA [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 2/11/2025
Kelleher, Darlene Carol 63 Washington, PA 15301 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Kellem, Joshua Tariq 28 Philadelphia, PA 19150 [182709.1A2] Stalking - Repeatedly Comm. To Cause Fear 6/18/2024
Kelly, Gavin Storm 28 Butler, PA 16002 [UI] 5015 - Domestic Relations N/A
Kelly, James Joseph 36 Butler, PA 16001 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 4/5/2024
Kendall, Gerry L 43 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Kennedy, Jeffrey Allen 62 Lake Mary, FL 32746 [182701A1] Simple Assault 2/11/2022
Kennedy, Jeffrey Allen 62 Lake Mary, FL 32746 [182701A1] Simple Assault 2/11/2022
Kennedy, Michael Conroy 30 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 [183922A1] Conspiracy - Theft By Decep-False Impression 9/11/2023
Kent, Kitten Jean 41 Stanton, MI 48888 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off 1/10/2011
Kerle, Billie Jo 54 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd Off 9/5/2024
Kerner, Ian K. 37 Bethel Park, PA 15102 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 4/7/2021
Ketter, Kimberly Marie 41 Homer, AK 99603 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd 4/5/2024
Ketter, Kimberly Marie 41 Homer, AK 99603 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 3rd Offense 4/5/2024
Ketterer, Sharon Sue 57 Mercer, PA 16137 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 2/12/2025
Keyes, Clifton 25 Detroit, MI 48221 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 8/9/2018
Kibe, Richard Lee 43 Renfrew, PA 16053 [753802A2] DUI: Gen Imp (BAC .08 - .10) 1st Off 7/10/2013
Kiger, Benjamin Arnold 50 Butler, PA 16001 [185505] Public Drunkenness And Similar Misconduct 8/21/2024
Kimberly, Brandy Marie 36 Butler, PA 16601 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 4/29/2024
Kimbro, Chalene Josephin 43 Erie, PA 16503 [753802D3] DUI: Controlled Substance - Combination Alcohol/Drugs - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
King, Bernard Barrett 32 Clairton, PA 15025 [185104] Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce 11/8/2023
King, Cassie Ellen 34 Butler, PA 16001 [183928A] Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles 11/5/2024
King, James D. 48 Allison Park, PA 15101 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 7/12/2023
Kirk, Abdul 31 Johnstown, PA 15902 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Kline, Michael Warren 40 Mars, PA 16046 [184904A1] Unsworn Falsification to Authorities Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/9/2025
Kline, Michael Warren 40 Mars, PA 16046 DOMESTIC RELATIONS Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/23/2025
Kline, Richard Charles 43 Butler, PA 16002 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 2nd 12/27/2007
Kloss, Jason Robert 45 New Castle, PA 16102 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 5/5/2023
Knopp, Kristen 38 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/9/2022
Knowlton, Joseph Brett 43 Columbus, OH 43207 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use 8/21/2019
Knox, Jessica Lynne N/A Butler, PA 16001 [LO763] Parking Violation 2/11/2025
Knox, Marcellus Ray 37 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 7/8/2015
Knox, Marvin Lee 33 DETROIT, MI [35780-113A30] Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 10/5/2016
KNUCKLES, CAIDEN ALLEN (JUVENILE WARRANT) 19 ARNOLD, PA 15068 [185121A] Escape 7/26/2022
Koch Jr, Michael Patrick 53 Butler, PA 16001 [182701A1] Simple Assault 5/20/2022
Kohan, Kelvin Joseph 42 Gibsonia, PA 15044 [754703A] Operat Veh W/O Valid Inspect 11/14/2024
Kohnfelder, Lindsay 28 Pittsburgh, PA 15204 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/5/2025
Kolarik, Chad William 27 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 9/4/2024
Koon, Helen Marie 41 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 11/6/2024
Koster, Nicole Lynn 34 Pittsburgh, PA 15122 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 5/8/2024
Kostka, Benjamin A. 43 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [751543B1I] Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1 5/10/2023
Kostka, Benjamin A. 43 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [753361] Driving at Safe Speed 5/10/2023
Kostka, Benjamin A. 43 Natrona Heights, PA 15065 [753736A] Reckless Driving 5/10/2023
Kovacic, Craig Alan 37 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/5/2025
Kovalcik, Andrew J. 40 Frackville, PA 17931 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 3/6/2014
Kradel, Sandi Lynn 43 Saxonburg, PA 16056 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 11/21/2024
Kradel, Sandi Lynn 43 Saxonburg, PA 16056 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 12/20/2024
Kradel, Walter Scott 44 Butler, PA 16001 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 1/17/2025
Krelko, Dean Robert 63 Beaver, PA 15009 [183503A1II] Crim Tres-Break Into Structure 10/10/2024
Kress, Edward Joseph 42 Pittsburgh, PA 15214 [185503A4] Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off 6/12/2024
Kuhl, Edward Richard 19 Saxonburg, PA 16056 [753743A] Accident Involv Damage Attended Vehicle/Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/17/2025
Kyles-Edge, Jeffrey Lamont 47 Pittsburgh, PA 15206-1937 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 1/10/2023
Lacamera, Brian Odell 38 Linn, KS 66953 [184904B] Statement Under Penalty 8/15/2023
Lakshmanan, Prameela Elizabeth 38 Vandergrift, PA 15690 [753802B] DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - <.16) 1st Off 3/13/2023
Lamka AKA Collins, Lisa 43 HEMINGWAY, SC 29554-6086 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 1/21/2011
Landy, Alan Victor 35 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 11/4/2022
Lane, Clarence Alexander 66 Altoona, PA 16601 [753731A1] Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol 2/8/2019
Lane, Elijah Jimmy 30 Philadelphia, PA 19143 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 5/3/2023
Lane, Kathryn Lucille 33 Butler, PA 16001 [183503B1I] Def Tres Actual Communication To 11/8/2023
Lane, Kathryn Lucille 33 Butler, PA 16001 5015 DOMESTIC RELATIONS Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/24/2025
Lane, Robert James 49 Pittsburgh, PA 15209 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 2nd Offense 10/29/2024
Larue, Clark Edward 32 Cranberry, PA 16066 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense 1/30/2024
Laughter, Shawn Derek 35 Wexford, PA 15090 [185505] Public Drunkenness And Similar Misconduct 11/21/2024
Laughter, Shawn Derek 35 Wexford, PA 15090 [185503A1] Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting 11/21/2024
Lawson, Jenna Danielle 41 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing 7/22/2021
Lawson, Jenna Danielle 41 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 6/16/2015
Lawson, Jenna Danielle 41 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 4/1/2015
Lawson, Jenna Danielle 41 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [184106A1IV] Conspiracy - Other Reason Access Device Is Unauth By Issuer 6/16/2015
Lawson, Jenna Danielle 41 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [183921A] Conspiracy - Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 4/1/2015
Lazor, Alexandra Jordan 28 Franklin, PA 16323 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/24/2025
Leath, Brandon Michael 34 Lyndora, PA 16045 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 10/7/2020
Leduc aka Rice,Wesley, Jeremy Wesley 33 Butler, PA 16001 [183304A2] Crim'l Misch-Tamper W/Property 9/30/2022
Lee, Andre Calvin 35 Detroit, MI 48221 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 12/10/2014
Lee, Kiizeke Jocyiah Emm 19 Centerville, PA 16404 [186308A] Purch Etc Alcoh Bev By A Minor 1/2/2025
Lee, Rebecca Nicole 29 Indiana, PA 15701 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 4/1/2019
Leger, Elie Travis 28 Katy, TX 77494 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off 4/20/2018
Legg, Robert Leroy 42 Titusville, FL 32780 [35780-113A31I] Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use 3/3/2022
Lehnerd, Thomas 62 Jacobsburg, OH 43933 [LO220.11] Abatement of Nuisances & Dangerous Conditions 1/11/2018
Leitch aka Cassidy, Johanna Christine 51 Wilmington, NC 28411-9695 [184101A1] Forgery-Alter Writing 3/8/2017
Leitch aka Cassidy, Johanna Christine 51 Wilmington, NC 28411-9695 [184101A1] Forgery-Alter Writing 3/8/2017
Leitch, Matthew Aaron 31 Butler, PA 16001 [18908A] Make Repairs/Sell/Etc Offens Weap 4/12/2013
Lenhart, Ian Michael 31 Kittanning, PA 16201 [184107A6] Dec Bus Pract - False/Mis State Cred Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/9/2025
Leone, Lauren J. 40 Akon, OH 44302 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 3/22/2021
Leroy, Kristen Nicole 38 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 11/6/2024
Lettie, Jason R. 37 Plumville, PA 16246 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 1/22/2025
Levine, Christopher James 33 New Castle, PA 16101 [753802D1I] DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule I - 2nd Offense Bench Warrant - Probation Violation 1/22/2025
Lewis, Walter Lawrence 62 PITCARN, PA 15140 FAMILY COURT 9/24/2019
Lewis, Walter Lawrence 62 PITCARN, PA 15140 [35780-113A12] Acq Or Obt Poss Of Contr Subs Misre 4/26/2021
Lewis, Walter Lawrence 62 PITCARN, PA 15140 [35780-113A12] Criminal Attempt - Acq Or Obt Poss Of Contr Subs Misre 4/26/2021
Liller, Michael D 58 North Huntington, PA 15642 [184105A1] Bad Checks 12/23/2003
Lindner, Kevin Ashley 53 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 7/22/2021
Lingelbach, Randy Scott 42 Waynesville, GA 31566 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 6/4/2015
Lippert, Harry L 75 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [LO3024] Grass And Weeds Not Cut 1/31/2025
Little, Barry Vealore 40 Philadelphia, PA 19136 [183929A1] Conspiracy - Retail Theft-Take Mdse 10/3/2024
Littlejohn, Javon Omareo 21 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 11/26/2024
Littlejohn, Javon Omareo 21 Butler, PA 16001 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 12/2/2024
Lloyd, Devin James 25 Mount Sterling, OH 43143 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 1/9/2024
Lo, Mohamed 25 Bronx, NY 10473 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 5/28/2024
Locke jr, Shawn Murphy 39 Ellwood City, PA 16117 [183929.3A] Conspiracy - Organized retail theft N/A
Loeffler, Andrew Jospeh 38 Smithfield, PA 15478 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 5/6/2024
Loeffler, Andrew Jospeh 38 Smithfield, PA 15478 [18911B3] Corrupt Organizations - Employee 11/23/2024
Loeffler, Andrew Jospeh 38 Smithfield, PA 15478 [18911B3] Corrupt Organizations - Employee 12/20/2024
Loeffler, Andrew Jospeh 38 Smithfield, PA 15478 [35780-113A16] Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg 5/16/2024
Lofgren, Andrew William 42 Elyria, OH 44036 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 10/10/2024
Lofgren, Andrew William 42 Elyria, OH 44036 [183925A] Receiving Stolen Property 10/10/2024
Logan, Michael Patrick 38 Sharon, PA 16146 [184120A] Identity Theft Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/6/2025
Logan, Michael Patrick 38 Sharon, PA 16146 [184101A2] Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 1/6/2025
Loney, Corey Thomas 40 Butler, PA 16001 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear 2/14/2025
Long, Maleek Syreece 34 Philadelphia, PA 19151 [35780-113A30] Conspiracy - Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver 1/11/2018
Longglott, eric S. N/A Pomeroy, PA 45769 [182709.1A2] Stalking - Repeatedly Comm. To Cause Fear 10/7/2022
Lonzo, Terri Star 42 Newark, OH 43055 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense 4/4/2022
Lopes, Joshua Lynn 38 Whitney, PA 15693 [185123A.2] Possess Control Subs, Contraband/Inmate 1/21/2025
Lopez, Victor Hugo 35 Coatesville, PA 19320 [753802A1] DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 3rd Off 4/10/2023
Lopez,Iv, Peter 49 New Castle, PA 16105 [183503A1I] Crim Tres-Enter Structure 12/5/2024
Lopez,Iv, Peter 49 New Castle, PA 16105 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 12/5/2024
Lopez-Hernandez, Luis Fredy 26 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 [753743A] Accident Involv Damage Attended Vehicle/Prop 3/23/2021
Lopez-Pacheco, Oscar Omar 32 Hazlehurst, GA 31539 [183929A1] Retail Theft-Take Mdse 8/1/2023
Lopez-Rodriguez, Edvin Enrique 33 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 [753802C] DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off 11/23/2021
Lopez-Rojas, Alfredo 36 Reading, PA 19602 [183921A] Conspiracy - Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 4/12/2019
Lorenz, Jerald Lawrence 43 Braddock, PA 15104 [183925A] Conspiracy - Receiving Stolen Property 2/7/2024
Lorenz, Jerald Lawrence 43 Braddock, PA 15104 [183921A] Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop 2/7/2024
Loudermilk, Kristin Marie 44 Pittsburgh, PA 15210 [753802D2] DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Bench Warrant - Fail to Pay 2/4/2025
Loudermilk, Michael Keith 46 Butler, PA 16001 [753802D3] DUI: Controlled Substance - Combination Alcohol/Drugs - 1st Offense 3/6/2024
Love, Hugh Bernard 48 Butler, PA 16001 [183304A5] Criminal Mischief - Damage Property 7/16/2021
Love, Hugh Bernard 48 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 7/7/2021
Love, Hugh Bernard 48 Butler, PA 16001 [35780-113A32] Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph 7/21/2021